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Home Hypno Articles Hypnotherapy Hypno-Slim: Percaya Diri Dalam Membentuk Tubuh

Hypno-slim: Self Confidence In Forming The Body

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Hypno-slim: Self Confidence In Forming The Body (Weight Management)

“I want to reduce my weight, but how?”
That sigh is usually presented by people who wish to loose their weight.

Actually, the answer or solution is easy, where everybody should know, “Manage the food, avoiding the snacking, then exercise or doing gymnastic sufficiently”. That's it!

For some people, that answer or solution may be easy to implement without any burden. But, do others can do that also?  Not guaranteed. May be yes, may be no.  “It’s difficult”, “I know, but how...”, “If like that.. it is impossible for me..”, etc, those are comments they are saying. Actually they know their main intention (to be slim), but they cannot do it. Finally, they do a short cut as taking laxative medicine, using medicine for reducing the weight, or doing like bulimia, etc. Using medicine may reduce their weight. But in some cases, though they use medicine without changing the behavior (such as snacking, over eating, not exercising, etc.) they still feeling fat as usual.

Then, what's wrong ???
Before we going further, let see the article: “Hypnotherapy in Motivation and Empowerment”, by NSK NUGROHO about someone’s motivation category.

"I know what I want, I don’t do what I want"

"I know my intention, but I’m not able to achieve it "

Today, slimming and making body to be ideal has become warm discussion everywhere; with a different motivation for each person. The issue often emerges as a reason of health. Unfortunately, this health issues is just used for a scapegoat. Evidently, even their size is large or fat, after had been diagnosed in laboratory, they are stated as health and no medical problem at all. But among them always feels unhealthy or less health and think that they have potency to have a disease.

What does make them thinks like that???

Be careful to the hidden motivation or real intention! Not every person who wants to slim is to make them healthy. Quite a few among them want to be looked sexy, attractive, easy to choose the dress, etc. They may be become slim, but they become fatigue and got the disease.

"I don’t know what I want, I just do what I do"

"I don't know my intention actually. I just do like everybody else. The most important is become slim"

This statement often emerges in loosing weight cases, excluding metabolism, stress, or traumatic problem.

“I want to get slim, because for the next 6 month my son will marry. I am afraid if my clothes not fit and look like a banana; my clothes too tight for me”
If the problem like this, the solution is easy, “Just use the loose clothes. It is alright, isn’t it?

But, what is the response to that solution?
+ “Oh no, I’ll be seen fat and bad”
= “By whom?”
+ “By others..”.

So, this may be the real intention. She doesn’t want to be looked ugly. The subject feels inferior because afraid to loose her face if others speak ill of her; though we know that it may be not happen.

There is woman, which according to her observation, she doesn’t feel fat and, may be, doesn’t feel slim, but she remain to feels worry if her weight rises, even it just a few ounce. Then, what will she do?
She probably looks for the new dress to get the right size, or comes to acupuncture, comes to the reflection massage, or possibly takes certain medicine, or possibly doesn't eat for some day, etc.

It’s amazing!! Just because of the problem like this, the behavior can be changed. What will happen if her efforts are not reached? For instance, the stocks for oversize clothes are not available, or the acupuncture expert and reflection masseur is out of country, or the medicine is not available, etc. She cannot fulfill her needs.

She might be stress and worries. As she always thinks about her failure, she probably becomes migraine; her blood pressure raises, and other pain coming.

And usually, after having this psychosomatic problem, she didn't realize the source of her main problems anymore (inferiority). As a result, she becomes feel headache of other pain without knowing the main cause.

Of course that example may be too extreme, but we get the lesson. There is a strong relation between self confidence (as a real intention) and slimming. Someone who doesn’t realize, doubt, or disingenuous with her intention, will play fast and loose. She just wants to be looked slim and sexy, on the other side, unconsciously, she will also make a justification for her action which might not according to her real intention. This may emerge a problem where she doesn’t know why her behavior is like that.

Why should we shy to ourselves or to others because our size? Remembers, not all people always an opinion that fat body is bad or slim is good.

Making self to be confidence may be easy for some people. But for other, that word is like a lip service. It’s difficult to implement sincerely.

Membuat rasa percaya diri bagi sebagian orang mungkin mudah untuk melaksanakannya. Tetapi, untuk sebagian yang lain kata-kata itu seolah hanya di mulut saja, rasanya sulit sekali untuk mengimplementasikannya; dengan sepenuh hati.
Please, think about yourself, does your motivation to loose your weight is in line with your real intention before you do something.
Written from various sources and experience by:
Hypnotist - Hypnotherapist

Member and Certified Master of Clinical Hypnotherapy & Certified Hypnotherapist of  IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) -USA & Institute for Neuro-Research and Education, New York.
Member and Certified Hypnotists of NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists)-USA
Member of Achievement Center New York
Member and Certified Hypnosis Instructor of IBH (The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy)

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Last Updated on Monday, 16 May 2011 16:45  


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