The Profile of NSK Nugroho & N'Powerment
- Machanical Engineer, Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB) 1988.
- MBA, DeMonfort University United Kingdom 1996
- Hypnotherapy Certification from Institute of Neuro Research Education, (IMBRE), USA.
- Profesional Member of National Guild of Hypnotist (NGH), USA
- Profesional Member of International Association of Counsellors & Therapist (IACT), USA
- Founder Member of The Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy (IBH).
- Honorary Member of Yayasan Hypnotherapist Indonesia (YHI)
- Founder Member and CEO Lembaga Pengembangan Hipnoterapi Indonesia (LPHI)
- President of N’Powerment Hypnosis & Motivation Training Center.
- Hypnotherapist at Griya Hidup Sehat– Kompas Gramedia tahun 2006
- Hypnosis/ Hypnotherapy trainer for many professions such as medical doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, artist, athlete, musician , etc with more than 30.000 people since 2002
- HypnoTherapist for many psychological problem for vary of age and profession in his clinic - HypnoCare- up to now
- Books written: “Transformasi Diri : Memberdayakan Diri Melalui Hipnoterapi”, Gramedia, 2008
Before as a Hypnotherapist, NSK Nugroho, has been experienced in some companies such as Lintasarta, Telekomindo, Excelcom, and Paralel Transis Asia in many field of job such as marketing manager, business development manager , dan operation director.
![]() NSK Nugroho dan Yan Nurindra
![]() NSK Nugroho dan DR. George Bien
NSK Nugroho Dalam Sebuah Workshop
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Now NSK NUGROHO registered as a professional member of IACT (International Association of Counselors and Therapists) based on USA as Certified Master of Clinical Hypnotherapist (MCH) and NGH (National Guild of Hypnotists) based on USA as Certified Hypnotherapist (CH).
In indonesia, NSK NUGROHO is a Certified Instructor (CI) of IBH.
As a professional hypnotherapist/ hypnotist since 2002, at his clinic –HypnoCare- NSK NUGROHO conducts extensive hypnotheraputic intervention sessions to many hundreds client from any societies (woman, man, old, young, and children) for motivation, self esteem, weight management, stress, depression, relationship improvement (parenting, couple, business), phobia, trauma, addiction, and more.
Based on his experiences as a professional hypnotherapist, NSK NUGROHO also gives many trainings and workshops related to hypnosis/ hypnotherapy through his institution that named N’Powerment.
Trainings given by NSK NUGROHO covers professional hypnotherapy, self transformation, hypnotherapy for parenting, hypnotherapy for couple relationship and others, good to corporate, group, also individual.
- Indonesia Power - Empowerment
- PT. Chevron - Caltex - Parenting
- CNI – Self Transformation
- Bank Central Asia - Motivation
- Bank International Indonesia – Hypnosis for Selling
- PT. Bank Danamon – Hypnosis for Selling
- PT. Tripatra Engineering – Self Transformation
- Pupuk Kaltim - Parenting
- PT. Cigede Raya – Hypno Selling
- PT. Galeri Ide - Selling Skill using Hypnosis
- PT. Pama Persada Industry – Hypnotic Communication
- PT. Telkomsel – Grapari Jabotabek – Hypnosis for Customer Service
- PT. PBU – Self Transformation
- DPRD Ponorogo Komisi B – Hypnotic Communication, Negotiation, Persuasion
- Kelompok Pengajian Al-Husna - Parenting
- Mobil-Pintar Kementerian Sekretaris Negara - Parenting
- Kementrian Pemuda dan Olah Raga – Hypnotic Communication, Character Building
- Majalah Pesona – Slimming and Beauty, Self Transformation
- SMA Lazuardi, Depok – Self Transformation
- MAN Pembangunan UIN, Jakarta. – Self Transformation
- SMPN 27 Duren Sawit, Jaktim – Self Transformation
- STIKIM Jakarta – Hypno Birthing
- Universitas Surabaya, Fakultas Psikologi – Hypnotherapy
- PT Bank Commonwealth – The Miracle of Communication
- Kantor Inspeksi Bank Rakyat Indonesia Medan – The Miracle of Communication
- Kantor Inspeksi Bank Rakyat Indonesia Surabaya – The Miracle of Communication
- Kantor Inspeksi Bank Rakyat Indonesia Jakarta - Spiritual Excellence
- Kantor Inspeksi Bank Rakyat Indonesia Semarang
- Kantor Bea Cukai Belawan, Medan – Self Transformation
- PT Yasa Industri Nusantara - Spiritual Excellence
- PT Askrida - Empowerment
- Relawan Bencana Merapi, Solo – Hypnotherapy
- Komisariat BPR Ciledug - The Miracle of Communication
- Himpunan Guru Wonogiri – Hypnosis for Teaching
- Forum Praktisi Pendidikan Kalimantan Timur – Hypnotherapy in Teaching
- Majalah Pesona - Hypnosis for Sliming,
- Tabloid NOVA - Hypnosis for Parenting
- Persatuan Istri Pegawai BI, Pusat – Better Life with Hypnotherapy
- Himpunan Desain Interior Indonesia, Jakarta
- Freedom International School, Solo – Hypnosis in Teaching
- PT Essilor Indonesia, Nusa Dua – Team Excellence
- Otoritas Jasa Keuangan, Jakarta – Building Excellence
- Sekolah Hikmah Teladan, Cimahi – Hypnotic Communication for Parenting
- ProCar- Pro Mitra International Finance, BATAM – Building Excellence
- Kantor Inspeksi Bank Rakyat Indonesia Semarang, Salatiga etc
- Fakultas Psikologi – Universitas YARSI – Direct Method of Hypnosis
- Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya – Professional Hypnotherapy
- Himpunan Psikologi Indonesia (HIMPSI) Banten
- Fak. Psikologi Universitas Islam Nasional Jakarta – Hypnotic Communicatiom
- SOS Children Village Indonesia – Hypnotic Communication
- PT Prautama Jaya Perkasa Contractor - Lembang, Mirecle Communication, Spriitual Motivation
- PAUD Khalifah Kecil - Hypnotic Communication For Teaching
- EMIISc - Sekolah Islam Terpadu Unggulan Metropolitan,
- BPD Riau Kepri - Pakanbaru, Hypnotic Communication
- Para Dosen Keperawatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang - Professional Hypnotherapy
- etc.
With participant more than 30.000 people since 2002
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