There are many experts, institutions, or associations defined A Hypnotic States. Milton H. Erickson said it is an alternate state of consciousness where a person becomes more aware and responsive to such idea.
British Medical Association (1955) defines it as "A temporary condition of altered attention in the subject which may be induced by another person and in which a variety of phenomena may appear spontaneously or in response to verbal or other stimuli. These phenomena include alterations in consciousness and memory, increased susceptibility to suggestion, and the production in the subject of responses and ideas unfamiliar to him in his usual state of mind.”
And many other definitions given by experts, which in essence, hypnosis is a state where a person is being influenced by something.
Based on my experience with the method of delivering therapeutic hypnosis to thousands of people with mental issues since 2002, I find that people can be influenced by something (that consciousness is altered) if the person already has a reference to that influence (in his Values System) in his/ her mind, formed by learning from entire of his/ her life.
Therefore, with due regard to the terminology proposed by the experts, I complete the definition of Hypnotic State such as follows:
A natural psychological phenomenon when someone is influenced by a reality either from the world outside himself (external) or from within himself (internal) which makes his current awareness/mind altered in such a way that he responds and reacts (psychologically/physiologically) to this reality based on the references he had at that time (the Values System which was formed as a result of the interaction between the Basic/Spiritual Values -which he brought with him since he had a life- and his environment as a lesson in the world he went through).
Or in brief:
"Being influenced as his reference to respond and to react"
Based on this definition, then the control owner of hypnosis is the subject itself, not others the hypnotist. Therefore, the process of hypnosis is self hypnosis. The controls how to respond and how to react. And the reaction he can fly of flight to the stimulus depending on the references he had. It needs to be understood, from the above definition, is that a person can be hypnotized if and only if there is refference already in his Values System. Why? The reference in the Values System determines how people behave. Suppose a man who all his life had never known the word "relax", then when he was asked to relax he will not react whatsoever- not hypnotized! In contrast, if the reference word "relax" already exists in his Values System, then when he was asked to "relax", he will behave relax.
In technical terms, a hypnotic state often referred to as a trance.
In addition, because he was able to respond, then hypnosis state is awake or even aware as Milton Erickson said above. So, NOT SLEEP!.
Then, we are hypnotized everyday, as Stephen Heller said, "There's No Such Thing as Hypnosis?"
Hypnotize is a way (art / techniques / methods) to communicate both verbal and non-verbal with persuasive (inviting someone to be influenced), suggestive (conveying information to the recipient) and effective (take an effect to the recipients), so that people is hypnotized. The basic process of hypnosis is communication. Therefore it can be said that where there is communication, that's where hypnosis occurs.
So, the fact that parents have hpnotized their children everyday. The communicate with their children everyday. I always say to any parents, especially in my "Hypnosis for Parenting" trainings, even though I am a professional hypnoterapist, the most severe hypnotist for a child is his or her parents. A children become something now, of course, because of their parents contributions.
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