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Home Hypno Articles Hypnotherapy Why do we think and act about certain things?

Why do we think and act about certain things?

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There are two things that make person think and and act in particular way:

First, because he likes with it, perhaps, he actually didn't want to pull out or stop away from that things
In this situatuion, whether he wants to pull out form that or stay in that condition, it is his choice depending on his values he owned and how he judges to himself.

Second, he is stuck in that things, he doesn't like that but it is hard for him to escape. So he is annoyed and, maybe, depressed. It is usually happen because he was complacent and didn't aware what (form external factors or his internal factors) that could trap him.
In this situation, .... usually he knows and realizes what causes (mainly his intention) him being trapped. As long as we know what, why dan how is the process that makes us stuck, it is the big chances for us to know what can makes us escape and how to escape.

Therefore, we need to constantly introspect ourselves on a matter that might aggravate us. But instead, release ourselves to something that can make us better.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 27 November 2012 16:13  


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